“Weakness is strength!” claim top homeopaths in bid to rescue failing democracy

By flourishing on these same medicinal principles within the body politic, democracy has the ability to remedy the toxic effects of bureaucracy upon freedom.
According to conventional wisdom, the more people there are in a given population, the less weight each voice has in the running of government affairs. However, homeopathic experts point out that a move toward smaller, decentralized communities would be a mistake. Instead, their proposed prescription is a single world-wide government behemoth, to dilute the strength of every individual vote among not just millions, but billions - and to diminish it yet again within 4-5 year batches. The resulting homeopathic solution, known as ‘universal hopium’, would be weak enough to become a guaranteed antidote against state tyranny. So, the more meaningless your vote is, the better freedom for all!
“With less power, comes great responsibility...” informs Dr Dick Riculous, a leading proponent of large-scale democracy as a political practise, and therefore homeopathy as a medical practise, as would be consistent in the logic. QED.