Farts of the Smirking Ass

TV News: Doctor W.H.O. suffers huge ratings loss

Matthew Higgins
Matthew Higgins

The show, that was once lauded as the ‘only-show-on-television’ by critics, has dramatically dropped in viewing figures due to its poorly written script, bad-acting, and implausible, horror-centric, over-the-top narratives, etc...

“They should have cancelled it after 2 weeks,” complain appalled observers/ former-actors, who were subjected-to/ involved in the world-wide theatrical programme.

Network executives have been accused of hiding their consistently poor ratings for years, using misleading statistics and false metrics to hype up the outlandish spectacle and gaslight all other broadcasters into paying for their shit. (more on page something).

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Drew Ortiz

Science Breakthrough: Safe-and-effective jab alters ethnicity after single dose. Racism now acceptable, experts say.

THE traditional argument against racist bigotry is that genetic characteristics relating to ethnicity cannot be changed. Therefore, a minority individual can never attain “white privilege”; so attacking them would be unfair.

Matthew Higgins
Matthew Higgins