Farts of the Smirking Ass

‘Shadow of man carbonised onto wooden fence by atomic blast’ could be a fake, say art experts

Matthew Higgins
Matthew Higgins

Forensic analysts are attempting to evaluate the art-work’s authenticity through radioactive-dating techniques, to ensure that it is in fact the original.

Gallery owners fear that the prized fence may have been stolen during a museum heist, and replaced with an inauthentic replica.

This pioneering fence-based stencil (or fencil) of a soldier and his ladder, (which predates the work of Banksy by at least half a century), was made on the outskirts of Nagasaki, and is the only fencil of its kind to use powerful UV exposure and atomic blasts of thermal radiation to create a silhouette.

The blasts were estimated to reach highs of 3000 to 4000 degrees celsius, hence ’bleaching the wood’ around the subject of the piece at 4.4km outside the city centre. (more on page something)

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Matthew Higgins
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