Farts of the Smirking Ass

Quantum Physicists prove Flat Earthers right and wrong at same time

Matthew Higgins
Matthew Higgins

Thus, the Flat Earth cover-up may indeed be part of some globalist agenda, as some have previously alleged.

Quantum waves and particles
Quantum waves

Long time quantum expert and Phd world champignon of mushroom science Professor Rick Diculous explains:
“The shape of the Earth materialises according to how one observes it at a given moment. When one sees the horizon, Earth becomes self-evidently flat-as-a-pancake.

But the moment one gazes at a sun rise, a sun set, the moon’s orbit, the equinox of Venus, northern hemisphere stars, southern hemisphere stars, coastlines not visible from other coastlines, or ships which appear to move below the horizon - then Earth clearly embodies the characteristics of a sphere.
Thus, the physical characteristics of flatness and globeness of any given object become separable at the cosmic scale - so that one may only see either the flatness or the globeness of celestial bodies at any one time, depending on how one chooses to measure these appearances.”

However, healing this long-held divide between Flat Earthers and that lying NASA has unintentionally spurred radicalism from Icosahedron-Earthers - who assert that the planet is a 16-sided platonic solid as a way to explain the flatness/globeness duality without losing all meaningful sense of causality.

NASA and the Flat Earthers are now holding hands around the globe/flat Earth, telling the confused Icosahedron-Earthers to shut up by saying, “who cares what shape the Earth is man, and by extension, the fate of epistemology and the ability to draw meaningful conclusions based on observation and reason. Let it go dudes...”

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