Look out! It’s No Man...

There’s a new superhero about...
’No Man’!!
With superhuman-levels of saying ‘NO!' and a big hexagon on his chest which says 'NO!' - and a cape of course, but no mask. Torture and starvation are his only cryptonite for situations where he might otherwise say 'No' to doing things he doesn't want. Otherwise he could give 2 fucks or 2 letters to stupid remarks, fines, or other psychological bullshit designed to intimidate him. Sowing no wherever he goes...
Wherever there is an easy way out designed to hook people into a system of debt slavery - no man will boldly be there.
Wherever there are biometric religious ID passport security gates - no man will be there.
Wherever there are court summons for invented crimes based on Blair Witch threats to public safety - no man (or no woman) will be there to save the day.
The exact identity of ‘No Man’ is unknown due to his saying ‘No!’ to social media, making him impossible to find or reach.