Farts of the Smirking Ass

Local news: Man refused Jenga refund by conspiracy-theorist shop owner

Matthew Higgins
Matthew Higgins

The man (not the shop owner; the other one) was wrongly accused of fabricating evidence by gathering random sawdust and planting a copy of the receipt among the wood chips; eventhough, such a devilishly-sophisticated and well-orchestrated hoax would be impossible to achieve under real circumstances.

“Something seemed ‘a bit off’ the moment I opened the box,” said the customer, who was still recovering from the traumatic incident, “and after removing one brick, the tower collapsed into itself under its own weight at free-fall acceleration.”

The shockwave from the collapse also induced shockwaves in a nearby wooden chess set, which turned to dust several hours after the initial implosion.

An official transcript reveals the audacity of the shop-owning conspiracy-theorist:
“I’d like to return this faulty batch of Jenga,” says man.
“No way. I’ve spent enough time on the internet to know that this isn’t possible,” replies shop owner.
“In that case, I would like 7 billion dollars worth of store credit,” attests the transcript while continuing to be read on a piece of newspaper.

When pressed for much jucier details about the allegedly local incident, the formal transcript refrained from further comment - citing “sorry lol. there ain’t that much left I can tell ya. bugger off,” said the cheeky little transcript.

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