Experts issue stark warning to the unafraid: Climate-induced voter fraud places vaccine miracle triumph in hot water over unwarranted claims of fake news UFO hate speech

When pressed for comment, the esteemedly-qualified expert, Professor Rick Diculous, frantically assured half-listeners that “Triumphant UFO voter fraud could be the long awaited fake news miracle for handling hate speech climate-inducers over hot water disputes surrounding fake news online censorship bans and the aforementioned voter fraud once more.”
The sensationalism of the issue sparked further sensationalism when further variables were subsequently alleged by a cacophony of experts, invoking yet more warranted sensationalism, fueling the ‘ongoingness’ of the perceived crisis.
“It’s a forest fire catastrophe compromised by Russian AI bots triggering far-right malinformation campaigns among cashless plandemic of the unvaxxed” added Professor Diculous, trying to neatly summarise the rapidly evolving daymare as it snowballs into deeper levels of ongoing psychological terror and abstraction. (more on page something.)